We are ARCUS and we are working together on the future of recycling.
ARCUS Greencycling Technologies GmbH
We clean up the world - ARCUS Greencycling Technologies
Henok Asmeron
Henok Asmeron
Plant Manager
"Through my work at ARCUS, I'm working on the future of recycling every day, making our world more sustainable in the long run."
Icon Hand Drop
ARCUS Greencycling
From plastic waste ARCUS Greencycling Technologies recycles in particular prolysis oil for the following processes
Maximilian Bader
Maximilian Bader
Shift Manager
"At ARCUS, circular economy is our playground and recycling is our daily to-do. It's not only fun, but together we make a difference!"
Najem Benins
Najem Benins
Plant Manager
"To me, ARCUS is a diverse team of bright minds with a common mission."
Target #7
Closing the plastic loop with ARCUS technology keeps more carbon underground*.
Icon shake hands
Icon shake hands
We shape the future with strong partners and team players
Recycling basket icon
Recycling basket icon
Nothing is for the garbage can!
Mark Eberhard
Mark Eberhard
Plant Manager | Plant Manager
"Working at ARCUS is my contribution to making the world a little cleaner, reducing society's CO2 emissions and thus helping to protect the climate."
Target #9
ARCUS is building a sustainable and forward-looking industry based on local waste as a resource*.
Target #11
Long-term "green" jobs are created for various skill levels that meet high sustainability standards*.
Salvatore Luccisano
Salvatore Luccisano
"Working at ARCUS means for me: the chance to work on exciting projects and always being able to do my own part for a sustainable circular economy in Germany."
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Icon the world
Environmental and climate protection as a business model of the future
Icon industrial plant
Icon industrial plant
We are reducing CO2 OutputESG-12
Target #12
Reduces the number of plastics that end up in incineration or downcycling and contributes to a circular carbon economy*.
Adrian Poveda
Adrian Poveda
Plant Manager
"For me, the innovative power of ARCUS is particularly fascinating. We work with the latest technologies and are constantly looking for new ways to recycle waste efficiently."
Icon truck
Icon truck
Plastic waste becomes a new raw material
Werner stone
Werner stone
Plant Manager
"ARCUS: Many ambitious colleagues who all have the same goal: to create a more sustainable future. Working together on the future of recycling is just huge fun."
Target #13
Demand for plastics will continue to increase and drive global growth - ARCUS is helping to make plastics more recyclable as a material*.
Icon head recycling
Icon head recycling
We think holistically
Rathiban Subramaniam
Rathiban Subramaniam
Plant operator
"For me, ARCUS means being at the forefront: We develop sustainable solutions and want to revolutionize the recycling system."
Target #14
By creating more recycling opportunities and technologies, less plastic will end up in the marine environment.*
Ayhan Topcu
Ayhan Topcu
Plant operator
"Why do I work at Arcus? Because we have the potential to revolutionize the recycling industry and we don't hold back an inch - because where we are is ahead!"
Icon recycling triangle
Arcus Greencycling
We reintroduce carbon into the cycle
Target #15
Less carbon extraction from the subsurface means less ground or disturbance of terrestrial habitats*.
ARCUS Greencycling Technologies GmbH
Our solution approach: Closed cycles like in nature are the model for a world without waste and without a lack of resources.
*The global sustainable development goals of the 2030 Agenda, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), are aimed at everyone: governments worldwide, but also civil society, the private sector and academia.